long term disability claim

Do you need an attorney to assist with your long-term disability claim?

How would hiring an attorney benefit you and your long-term disability claim?

An attorney can help in three ways. Don’t risk being denied on your long-term disability claim.

  1. The application for long-term disability is not straightforward. An attorney can advise you on how best to file your application. Applicants filing the claim on their own often make simple mistakes that result in denial. It can be tricky and it can mean that if an applicant doesn’t fill in the right words or check the right areas they could be denied their claim. An attorney can walk their client’s through the process and give them the best chance of their claim being approved the first time.
  1. Applicants commonly assume their claim will go through and often will quit their job in preparation for their long-term disability claim going through. However, many employers have clauses that limit or end coverage once an employee has quit. Therefore, an attorney can best advise their clients on the steps to take to make sure they’re getting the most protection.
  1. Applicants should take advantage of attorneys who provide free initial consultations. This free information can be invaluable. Applicants often think they’re doing the right thing or the smart thing by taking a different and less strenuous job if they’re trying to win their long-term disability claim, but doing something such as this can actually reduce their chances of their claim being approved. It can’t hurt to call and ask an experienced attorney. It may save the applicant time and money in the long run.

Even if the applicant has already filed their claims and been denied, an attorney can still help. They can appeal the decision and get you the money you deserve.

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