How much can you sue for in civil court

How much you can sue for in civil court depends on what court starts your case. Some courts in New York can only decide cases that are up to a certain amount of money.

Multiple parties can be sued in one lawsuit if the reasons for suing them are related.

In the case where the money owed to you is $5,000 or less, the case can be heard in a small claims court.

Other courts can only decide cases up to $25,000.

New York Supreme Courts can decide cases for unlimited amounts of money.

Only when a plaintiff wins their case can they collect the money decided in the judgment.

While an individual can generally navigate small claims courts by themselves, cases where much larger sums of money on the line may require the representation of counsel.

An attorney will help the plaintiff navigate the court systems, the relevant laws, and the elements of a particular type of case. Additionally, certain types of cases have statutes of limitations. That means that the lawsuit must be filed within a certain amount of time.

For more information about New York courts, send us a message.

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